The 13th China (Xuzhou) International Garden Expo Taiwan Garden

Project location

Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province

Project scale

The theme of the Taiwan Garden is "a strip of water, harmonious unity", which expresses the implication that the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are of the same origin and the vision of harmonious unity on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.
The overall park integrates the characteristics of Taiwan and the famous local attractions, and is arranged around the main exhibition hall with special attractions such as "Sun and Moon Reflection Lake", "Orchid Valley", "Ali Cherry Blossom Garden", and "Red Cypress Forest", which condenses and shows the outstanding beauty of Taiwan.
The overall park is high in the east and low in the west, with a height difference of about 3 meters. From the main entrance square of the park to the core exhibition hall area, the characteristic height difference landscape is created with landscape elements such as falling characteristic waterscape fountains, ecological streams, landscape stones, and colored flower mirrors, and is connected through the Friendship Road. On the right side, there is a stone inscription of Hong Xiuzhu's "Xu and Taiwan are one family", which implies the blood relationship between Xu and Taiwan.
While highlighting the scene of the coexistence of Taiwanese people and nature, the Taiwan Garden also expresses the blood-thicker-than-water national sentiment between the people of Xu and Taiwan and even the people of the mainland and the treasure island of Taiwan, and also implies the good wishes of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait for the early reunification of the motherland!