• Zhang Bang

      Director, Vice President

      Senior Planner, Master

      Member of China Urban Planning Society
      Member of China Young Entrepreneurs Association
      Director of Shanghai Overseas Chinese Youth Federation
      Chairman of Shanghai Jingwei Land and Spatial Planning Research Institute
      Executive Director of Shanghai Land Society
      Executive Director of Shanghai Urban Planning Society
      Deputy Director and Secretary-General of the Urban Economic Development Committee of Shanghai Macroeconomics Society
      Member of the Urban Design and Planning Committee of Shanghai Architectural Society

      National Model Worker, National May 1st Labor Medal Winner
      National advanced individual among returned overseas Chinese and their family members
      Shanghai Model Worker
      Top Ten Young Planners in Shanghai
      Outstanding Communist Party Member of the "Two New" Organizations in Yangpu District
      Yangpu District "Youth Job Expert"
      Yangpu District’s “New Long March Commando”